
Dinosaur Jr. | You’re Living All Over Me

Dinosaur Jr. is a band that flew under my radar for a very long time and I’m not really sure why.   In my younger days I listened almost exclusively to 90’s alt. rock.  Mainly, because at the time it was the 90’s and that’s what was on the radio… but also because 90’s rock was fucking great.  By the time I was 16 I had amassed a pretty good collection of the classics (Ten, Superunknown, Nevermind, Siamese Dream, etc) and I loved all of them.  So discovering Dinosaur Jr. in my mid 20’s was a little bit like finding a dime bag under the couch after believing I’d smoked all of that sweet, sweet reefer months ago.

Released in 1987 You’re Living All Over Me is the record that broke Dinosaur Jr. and it’s become widely considered one of the most influential alt. rock albums of it’s era.   It’s loud, fuzzed out and filled with those riffs that sound a little bit like something Neil Young might play but are still unmistakable J Mascis.   It might not be for everyone but if you were a child of the 90’s like me I’d suggest giving it at least one listen through.  At the very least it will remind you of a glorious time when drinking at work was okay, soda pops cost 1 cent and the air waves weren’t filled with shit like Miley Cyrus.

The Tracks:

The Drink:

One of those drinks that cool people drank in the 90’s like Zima

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I'm a musician, amateur photographer and web designer.